When you make a donation to YFIOB, you are funding programs for students in Santa Cruz County to learn about and connect with inspiring, positive, community members who serve as important role models in students’ lives for a lifetime. Your donation EMPOWERS young people with opportunities and resources to make informed choices about who they want to be and shows them what is POSSIBLE.
Your donation will allow us to continue to fund programs that encourage students to forge their own path and to explore their future. Contributions to Your Future Is Our Business, a 501(C)3 nonprofit, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Tax ID #77-0563559)
Your Future Is Our Business will not sell or distribute any of your information.
You can donate to our organization by sending a check to the address listed below or by submitting a payment through Paypal: paypal.me/yfiob!
Please be sure to double-check the sender or “To” line and make sure it says Your Future Is Our Business or YFIOB. If you would like your donation to remain anonymous, please let us know!
If you would like to make a donation in memory or support of someone, please include a note or message via Paypal or email us at yourfutureisourbusiness@gmail.com. We will always send a thank you letter and/or an email confirming receipt of your donation no later than 2-3 business days.
Feel free to email us at yourfutureisourbusiness@gmail.com if you would like to send a donation a different way
Your Future Is Our Business
399 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
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