About our luncheon
Our organization host this annual luncheon to celebrate, commemorate, and highlight all of the hard work of everyone that got involved with Your Future Is Our Business.
At our annual luncheon we showcase a recap of all the college and career exploration events and services we have provided to the students of Santa Cruz County for this school year! We will be awarding 3 scholarships one of which project entries will be judged LIVE at the event!
This is a great way to network as lots of local businesses and organizations will be present and some sponsoring the event.
Your Future Is Our Business is committed to providing Santa Cruz County students career exploration opportunities. Every year we host our Annual Education and Business Luncheon, where over 200 community members including sponsors, partners, and students come together to learn about what programs and events YFIOB has to offer. In addition, students are awarded different Career Technical Education and Career Exploration scholarships and are able to showcase their work.
Because of Our Sponsors we can continue to provide career exploration opportunities
Our Sponsors

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

informational interviews & Mock interviews
Students spend 30 minutes interviewing an adult about their career in order to learn what education, training, and skills are required, or vice versa, an adult can serve as an employer giving a mock interview with a student.

Job shadows
A student is paired with an employee whom they will follow during a regular workday for 2-4 hours. This allows youth to experience the workplace and to see first hand what tasks, responsibilities, and roles the career entails.

Workplace tours
A group of students will visit a workplace to learn about the organization, ask questions, meet employees, and observe them in action.

Have one on one conversations to help a student build a clearer path to their future career. Assess their skills/interests, provide them guidance, and connect them to resources.

YFIOB provides internships for college/post-secondary students. Through interning, a student gains experience by doing real work at a workplace. The intern is responsible for a small project or set of tasks. Internships can be during the summer or school year and range from a few months to a year.

college and career expos
60-400 students will interact with approximately 10-24 exhibitors who reflect various job sectors in CA . They will ask adults questions about their careers and organization. We provide a table and 2 chairs and you or a rep should bring a tablecloth or sign that indicates to students what you do or where you work.