Our Programs
Our Programs

informational interviews & Mock interviews
For a predetermined amount of time, students engage with professionals by interviewing them about their careers. This affords students insight into the education, training, and skills that are required for a specific career.
Alternatively, it might be the reverse case, where students develop their interview skills by having a professional interview them. Mock interviews help students develop soft, professional skills, which are endemic to the workplace.

Job shadows
Students are paired with a professional, who they will follow throughout the professional’s regular workday. This activity typically lasts for 2-4 hours, and allows students to gain experience and insight into professional environments. Students are afforded the opportunity to witness firsthand the sort of tasks, responsibilities, and roles that a particular profession entails.

Workplace tours
Students visit a predetermined workplace to learn about the particular organization, ask questions, and engage with workplace professionals. This is valuable and affords student insight into the demands of particular professions.

Though they vary in structure, mentorships fundamentally create a one-on-one dialogue between student and professional. These relationships help students on their way towards a future career path or goal. Mentors provide guidance and resources to aid their mentee.

Meant for college and post-secondary students, YFIOB internships provide students with real, tangible workplace opportunities. Interns conduct sets of tasks, and small projects. These internships take place during the summer or throughout the school year, and they vary in length from a few months to a year.

college and career expos
College and Career Expo provide an efficient opportunity for students to explore a plethora of different colleges and careers at their leisure. Situated at a predetermined venue, approximately 60-400 students will interact with approximately 10-24 exhibitors. Exhibitors reflect a range of jobs, representative of specific CA career sectors. As they make their way throughout the event, students can engage with exhibitors and ask questions. For ease of recognition, exhibitors are encouraged to identify themselves through such means as banners, tablecloths, or even signs.

career panels
In contrast to career speakers, career panels have more variety in that a few different speakers present to students and take their questions. Panels are beneficial, because students can hear from a few different professionals in bite-sized presentations. In the classroom, 2-3 professionals share with students aspects of their career and career journey. Students are encouraged to explore their interests by asking questions of those professionals that interest them. Panelists are encouraged to share with students practical advice and engage in conversation, so that students gain valuable insight.

Class career speaker
In the classroom, 1 professional will greatly detail their career and professional journey. These professionals are expected to speak for approximately 30-45 minutes, and engage with students. A professional’s presentation may include practical demonstrations, or engaging activities that facilitate student visualization. Students are encouraged to ask meaningful questions. Prior to the event, professionals are provided with a list of topics that they are encouraged to cover.