Would you like to participate in or provide a career experience? Sign up to become a volunteer!
When you become a volunteer, you share your desire to participate in work-based learning experiences with us, and we connect you with opportunities to speak with youth about your career! Your information will be sent to the YFIOB team who will get back to your shortly. If you have any questions feel free to email
The future of Santa Cruz County rests on local businesses creating opportunities for our youth. It depends on students finding a clear path to rewarding careers. Our goal is to provide every Santa Cruz County student with opportunities to discover a fulfilling and successful career by linking students to career exploration opportunities in our county. We are searching for adults who can help inspire youth by signing up to be an exhibitor, panelist, classroom speaker, job shadow host, mentor, and more!
As they grow, every student will be confronted with a host of alternating circumstances and unique life events. Every student will grow into their own unique identity. Along their respective journeys, many students will find representation. However, many will not, such as out LGBTQIA+ students, those from historically marginalized communities, and those with disabilities. At YFIOB inclusivity remains always of paramount importance, and this means that fostering inclusive environments for all students, particularly those who historically are underrepresented, is a non-negotiable effort of ours that we take pride in.