How i got here
The perception of a career does not always capture the scope of the responsibilities the job really requires.
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Ted describes the responsibilities he must look after at work almost every day
Struggles to become a engineer
The road to a future career may be filled with various hazards, from those at school, in the workplace, or at home.
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Ted lists and describes the details he faced at school when studying engineering, namely the difficult classes and the school’s process of weeding out those not serious of engineering
Wind Tunnels, 3D Printers, and Rockets
Despite seeming like mundane areas of work, they can be instrumental in pushing boundaries or saving lives
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Ted discusses the current projects he’s working on, namely wind tunnels, working with 3d printers, and working on ensuring the safety of the astronauts that ride the rockets into space on a timely basis
Project Artemis
What was once seen as science fiction is quickly becoming a reality now
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Ted enthusiastically talks about Project Artemis, a future project by NASA to establish a long-term presence on the Moon
Full Podcast
Tune in to this episode of the What to Be Show to hear from Ted Garbeff. Ted is a NASA Aerospace engineer who works on developing spacecraft and rockets at AMES Research Center at Moffett Field where they have the biggest wind tunnel in the world. The wind tunnel is so big they have to run it primarily at night because it uses more electricity than the entire city of Mountain View! Tune in to find out more.