Nora Caruso at desk with girl

Nora Caruso

Program Director SC Toddler Care Center

Teaching abroad

Broaden your perspectives and experience new places

Nora Caruso shares her experience being a youth English teacher while traveling abroad in Japan

Program director duties

Be able to understand and step in to any role as a director

Nora Caruso talks about her duties and responsibilities as the program director for the Santa Cruz Toddler Care Center

Business adaptation

Welcome change and be able to adapt

Nora Caruso discusses the transformations the Toddler Care Center had to make due to COVID, which resulted in them transitioning to providing half day care, keeping the kids outside, and building and improving facilities to provide and unique business model for child care.

Full Podcast

Tune in to this episode of the What to Be Show to hear from Nora Caruso. Nora shares her meaningful life journey from graduating from UC San Diego with a degree in sociology and psychology to teaching English in Japan, to now working for the Santa Cruz Toddler Care Center as their Program Director. We hear about some of the challenges and silver linings in running a childcare center through a different last few years.