Jennifer Karno

Jennifer Karno


Ignition of Santa Cruz

Jen’s most memorable project.

Jen’s most memorable project was being the coordinator of the Amjoon tour in downtown Santa Cruz which had a huge celebration at the end.

Improve Improvement

Day to day look like and favorite project.

Jen talks about some of her day to day tasks such as her offered classes like nature walks. She also teaches improv to work on basic issues that everybody has.

Being a shadow

Students staying curious.

Jen encourages students to stay curious and ask people questions about their job including asking to shadow them to see what their role is like.

Full Podcast

In this episode of the What to Be Show we hear from designer Jennifer Karno. Jen has worked an interesting and varied career from the video game industry with SEGA and Electronic Arts, to helping organize the bicycling race Tour of California for it’s Santa Cruz stops, to being a bicycling tour guide, to now teaching theatre and more at 1440 Multiversity: Immersion learning in Scotts Valley.