Emma McLaren wearing white sweater

Emma McLaren

Sustainable Seafood Consultant

Creating the Position

If you can’t find the career your want to pursue for your future, create it yourself!

McLaren recalls the creation of the position of a sustainable seafood consultant from her inability to find a position similar to the one she wanted, so she ended up creating the position herself


The desire to learn will take you to many places you would have never dreamed of going to

McLaren discusses the numerous education programs and schools she has studied at in her pursuit to learn more about the ocean and marine life


You won’t always find your passion from the getgo or before school, it may come from as small as a class discussion on passions

McLaren talks about how she spent years at school and various jobs searching for a job that matches her passion, and it wasn’t until her time at one school discussing passions in which she discovered her passion towards marine conservancy

Full Podcast

How to create a passion adjacent career: Lessons learned from a sustainable seafood consultant.

During her interview, Emma mentioned a number of organizations, places, and names that are likely to be new to most! Here are links to this information for you to explore.

Ocean Conservation and Seafood Organizations to look up:
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program (leader in sustainable seafood recommendations): www.seafoodwatch.org/
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (where Emma worked): www.sustainablefish.org/
FishWise (Local Santa Cruz Consultancy): fishwise.org/

Masters of Marine Management Programs:
Dalhousie University: www.dal.ca/academics/programs/graduate/mmm.html
University of Rhode Island: web.uri.edu/maf/
Outside North America: www.masterstudies.com/Masters-Degree…gement/?page=2